Friday, December 30, 2011

The End

Here's a poem I wrote.
It's dedicated to my mother because she is also a writer and today's her birthday!

The End

The end came swiftly,
Over the smoggy summer skies,
The night was dark and uneventful,
Except for the unanticipated demise,

In the ecru slip of the evening,
The breath of a hot August night,
The stilled air was filled with uncertainties,

The first perfect tear, The first shard of glass,
hit the pavement soundlessly, without remorse,
Without regret,

I once dreamed of all the lives I'd live,
Of all the sorrow I could escape from simply being good,
Of all the dreams that could become reality from
Unwavering hope,

But goodness did not save me from pain,
Unwavering hope could not crush the accuracy,
the precision of fate,
From the evil that crept up the canyon one night,

The end was careless,
Threw away not just bodies but souls and lives,
Threw away beginnings,
Threw away expectations,
Defiled hope and all that could have been,

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Blog Reviews #2

Poetic Clarity: This blog is amazing! The author is a brilliant writer and always posts the most original and unusual things. The poems are realistic and can be related to. :)

J'adore: The writing is beautiful and sensory. The writing style is like a stream of consciousness. The images evoked are touchable. There is a lot of painful hope in her work. :)

The Third Eye is The Clearest: This writer presents a lot of really helpful human philosophy. Most philosophy is very complicated but this writer has put it out in very understandable terms. There is no pretentiousness in her writing which is very refreshing. :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Just In Case-Martin Williams

Here is a poem written by Martin Williams, who is serving a life sentence in Folsom Prison.

Just In Case

"Just in case, the worry-heavy world
Should cast a final backward glance
To whimper at what might have been
Before the horror of trumpets
Blown by indifferent angels
Burns and hails and turns to blood
The bone and breath and form
And I am not this
And you are not that
And for a moment, briefly
We all weep the same tears
And forget the too-many names of God
And all the bitter, biting ways
We clip the wings of each others' prayers

Just in case
I don't see you tomorrow
My friend, my friend
I'll see you again
Where we shall be healed
I'll see you again"

Image is from

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Riff #2- Sweet Jennifer

Sweet Jennifer

Her porcelain feet on concrete
Her long, thin fingers clenched into a fist
Lost child? Where are you now?

Hidden behind coal-lined eyes
cigarettes and bleached tangles

Sweet Jennifer
School-girl, innocent, so unknowing of the future

Where is she now?

Broken, tall and pale like a willow
a skeleton, stolen, desperate

Will you save her?

Her lace fabric seamstress dreams
are gone
kerosene dreams

Jennifer was betrayed

When the poor and the kind became the rich and the vicious
When the Hyde killed the Jekyl

Where is the Kiss on the Lips?
The Brooklyn loft?
the ravaged girl, a drug run?

Jennifer, where have you gone?
Did his chocolate voice spoil your naivete?

Eyes are a snowy blue
from the medicine in her veins
that could save sweet Jennifer
from growing insane

A haunted smile
loss of innocence
Goodbye, Brooklyn girl
Goldilocks, and Dorothy
The Ruby slippers
Have been shattered.

In the night,
the dark prince stole you
The same way he stole his princess

The same game
Intoxicated with cakes and wine

and for the night you are his

But poor Jennifer
little girl toes, walk on sand
dreamed of the golden boy
sister of the lonely boy

seduced by the criminal
the broken and the used
trapped, mistreated, regretting
the child and the man.....