Here's a poem I wrote.
It's dedicated to my mother because she is also a writer and today's her birthday!
The End
The end came swiftly,
Over the smoggy summer skies,
The night was dark and uneventful,
Except for the unanticipated demise,
In the ecru slip of the evening,
The breath of a hot August night,
The stilled air was filled with uncertainties,
The first perfect tear, The first shard of glass,
hit the pavement soundlessly, without remorse,
Without regret,
I once dreamed of all the lives I'd live,
Of all the sorrow I could escape from simply being good,
Of all the dreams that could become reality from
Unwavering hope,
But goodness did not save me from pain,
Unwavering hope could not crush the accuracy,
the precision of fate,
From the evil that crept up the canyon one night,
The end was careless,
Threw away not just bodies but souls and lives,
Threw away beginnings,
Threw away expectations,
Defiled hope and all that could have been,
GREAT! Cool stuff here. You have an excelent voice in this one. I love the words, "the first perfect tear, the first shard of glass." Haunting stuff. I dig it.
Mr. Dwyer